Tuesday, March 31, 2009

My son returned home this past weekend from his second tour of duty in Iraq. Every time I start complaining about windy, dusty, and hot conditions here in San Angelo, I think about his descriptions of the conditions over there. The picture on the left tells it all.

Speaking of weather, there are only 184 more days until cyclocross season starts! To pass the time between now and then, there’s a lot going on within the regional bike-run-multisport scene. Over the next three months, endorphin junkies can choose from (get this) at least 18 different events. In addition, there are umpteen group rides and runs to choose from each week. Take a look at the events listing at the end of this post to see the events, and visit the Road Lizards and San Angelo Bicycle web sites for a full listing.

Goodfellow triathlete Kathy Rakel did a great presentation at last week’s ASUFit Brown Bag luncheon. If you missed her session and need some motivation, click on this link. It’s a video that Kathy used …. and we think that “just training” is hard! Kathy also went through a couple of VO2 max testing sessions recently – read about her experience in her blog.

Speaking of presentations, we’re ramping up for April 17 when triathlon and running superstar Desiree Ficker will be speaking at ASU. It sounds like there will be a big crowd coming to hear her speak, so make plans to leave work early and get a good seat. She will speak at 12:00 in ASU’s CJ Davidson Center (in the west end of the university center building).

I was asked a question this week related to the history of the cycling club. It was originally formed as the San Angelo Wheelmen in 1892 (there’s no truth to the rumor that I was one of the founding members!). If San Angelo cycling history is of interest to you, click this link for an S-T column that I wrote on the subject back in 2007.

The flyer for Spillway Hill off road duathlon has been released and pre-registration is open on Active.com. This year’s Spillway event will include the adult race at 8:00, a kid’s duathlon at 10:00, and a joint cycling club-running club social and food fest afterwards. Sounds like a good day to bring the family or troll for singles (select whichever option applies).

September Summers and the team at Shannon Wellness will be putting on a kid’s fitness celebration on Thursday, May 7th, 4:00-7:00 pm. The event, “CATCH a FIT Life”, will take place on the ASU campus at the pavilion between Dena Drive and Vanderventer Ave. It’s open to the public, so bring your kids and join in. FMI contact SeptemberSummers@shannonhealth.org.

Upcoming Events

*MTB TT series, begins, April 2
*Burma Road TT, April 5
*Road TT series, begins, April 9
*HOT ride in Brady, April 11
*ASU PT Run, April 18
*Striders Duathlon, April 19
*Colorado River Bike Tour in Ballinger, April 25
*Ballinger 5K, April 25
*Spillway off road duathlon, May 2
*Aids Foundation 5K, May 9
*Run in the Sun (State Championship 8K), May 16

Bikes for sale: http://forum.cvmconline.com/index.php?topic=65.msg218#new

Cycling, running, and multisport links

Angelo State University Fitness and Wellness program
Cycling columns in the Standard Times newspaper
Cycling News
Cyclocross Magazine
Permian Basin Bicycling Association (PBBA)
Randy's Bike and Run shopSan Angelo Bicycling Association
San Angelo Road Lizards running club
Slowtwitch multisport web site
Texas Bicycle Racing Association
Texas Mountain Bike Racing Association

Who Do I Follow On The 'Net?

The response from readers regarding my final newspaper column in the San Angelo Standard Times (which several people referred to as the ...